4 Killer Tips to Boost Social Content Sharing

Act-On Adaptive Web

Sales and marketing alignment: For some this topic causes panic and angst, for others it stirs up no emotion at all … and for a select minority it presents a vast ocean of opportunities. I’m in the latter bucket. Marketers don’t/can’t/won’t understand the complexity and sheer uphill battle that sales faces, while my sales friends […]

Buzzword Watch: Stop Saying That. Really. Stop.

Act-On Adaptive Web

I’ve been a business writer for a long time; long enough to admit that it’s kept me (happily) on the bright side of a penny. Long enough, too, to realize (less happily) that I’ve gotten lazy. It didn’t happen all at once. At least I hope it didn’t. I suspect it’s been a slow, insidious […]

What It Takes to Optimize Your Brand’s Organic Search Visibility

Act-On Adaptive Web

When did SEO become so complicated? It seems like only yesterday that a brand new company could launch a site, bake some bolded and italicized keywords into each page, prop up a few cookie-cutter articles on free blog platforms for instant backlinks, and watch the organic search traffic start rolling in. Back when SEO was […]

Spur Your Social Results: Customize Images in Canva

Act-On Adaptive Web

What does it take to get better results on Twitter? Improve your images! Twitter posts that include pictures are twice as likely to be shared. Images can offset that stringent 140-character limit, giving you additional ways to engage with your audience and get your point across. This can boost engagement for both organic and inorganic posts. Very often […]

5 Warning Signs that You’re Working at a Dysfunctional Marketing Agency

Act-On Adaptive Web

The average marketing agency is anything but average. The combination of creativity, ego, and intense pressure can often result in some bizarre situations that are as far from ordinary as you can get. In my experience, the only time you’re likely to get a zanier group of people together is when you’re working on a […]

5 Key Trends that will Shape Asia Pacific Marketing in 2015

Act-On Adaptive Web

We all know that there has been a massive shift in the way we do marketing. This has been driven by changing behaviors in how prospects consume, interpret and interact with information, driving marketers to focus their efforts on ensuring they’re part of the customer conversation. This change has been happening around the world, but […]

Hellooo, 2015!

Act-On Adaptive Web

Last year for New Year’s Day we gave you Lord Alfred Tennyson’s “Ring Out, Wild Bells”; here are two stanzas to refresh your memory:  Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,    The flying cloud, the frosty light:    The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out […]

Using Google Drive to Collaborate

Act-On Adaptive Web

Do you and your team collaborate on documents and spreadsheets? Are you constantly sending emails back and forth with Microsoft Office documents attached? That can be a clunky process, especially when it comes to collaboration. It’s easy to lose track of which version of the document that you’re viewing is, and it’s easy to miss […]

What’s Your Type? Personality Tests in the Workplace

Act-On Adaptive Web

People are different, and that’s a good thing. However, because we all convey and gather information in different ways, sometimes the lines of communication break down. It’s a big challenge in today’s workplace, where remote workers and virtual teams are becoming the norm. What can managers do to create functional – and harmonious – teams, […]

An Act-On Conversation: Blurred Lines – What Sales & Marketing Will Look Like in 2015

Act-On Adaptive Web

Editor’s Note: Ryan Porter is Act-On’s Director of Global Sales Enablement. Ryan came to Act-On from Cisco WebEx and has extensive experience in sales and sales leadership, especially when it comes to building high-performing sales teams. Janelle Johnson is Act-On’s Director of Demand Generation. This blog post is an edited transcript of the Act-On Conversation […]

Hiring a Marketer: What Skill Set Should You Look For?

Act-On Adaptive Web

If your company has grown to the point where you’re hiring a marketer for the first time, congratulations! Marketing is an important link between buyers and your product or service, and marketers have always been tasked with finding new customers for sales to close. These days, when your prospect gets most of the way through the buying […]

Critical Rules for SEO Success in 2015

Act-On Adaptive Web

Search and email remain the two most important marketing activities of the digital age. When we want to buy something, the first thing most of us do first is turn to our favorite search engines. A study by Outbrain shows that search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more […]

Making the Connection: 7 Tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Network

Act-On Adaptive Web

It’s not easy to add connections on LinkedIn anymore. Everyone wants to protect their network – and with good reason. Many of us have been spammed by companies and sales professionals with a hard-sell approach. Decision makers and influencers realize that most of the people trying to connect with them are also looking to get […]

Advocacy Marketing Part 2: Building Your Plan in 5 Steps

Act-On Adaptive Web

Welcome to part deux of our 2-part series on advocacy marketing. In part 1 we answered two burning questions about the practice:  What is advocacy marketing? and Why is it awesome? This installment will unpack the How (as in How is it done?) and provide some nuts and bolts that will help you build a […]

Act-On Employees Give Thanks

Act-On Adaptive Web

Thanksgiving. Long ago Thanksgiving was an occasion for the community to give thanks for having gotten the harvest in (and showing gratitude that there was indeed a harvest). Today most of us don’t work the land, but we still spend the day giving thanks, often in the company of our families and friends. We hope […]

Business Casual: How to Navigate the Workday in Style

Act-On Adaptive Web

Defining business casual can be tricky, in part because the definition of “professional business attire” has expanded. True, the daily attire for the C-suite – men and women – is still a suit (or something darned close to one), but this tradition is diminishing. For example, on the west coast of the United States a […]