Act-On Press Release_Manufacturing

Act-On Software Tailors Services to Manufacturing Industry

Act-On Software announces industry-specific customer strategic guidance to complement the manufacturing sector product features it released in 2018 — including native software integrations and a new catalogue of industry-specific templates.

Manufacturers distinguish themselves from competition with marketing strategy expertise and native integrations

Portland, Ore.–Act-On Software, the leading Adaptive Marketing platform empowering multi-channel marketing efforts to drive higher lead conversion and revenue, announces industry-specific customer strategic guidance to complement the manufacturing sector product features it released in 2018 — including native software integrations and a new catalogue of industry-specific templates.

Act-On is strengthening its offerings in the manufacturing and distribution industry as customers see unprecedented success after implementing its marketing automation solution. Customers like Allegis, ProLabs, American Roller Company, Convena Distribution, and JoyRide Coffee have recently joined many other manufacturing and distribution companies that maximize their marketing and sales practices with Act-On. The Act-On platform enables customers to increase product leads, improve conversions to sales, drive repeat business from existing clients, align sales and marketing systems, and generate quantifiable ROI on marketing activities.

To best maximize results, Act-On now provides customized strategic guidance for manufacturing marketers to help ensure success from Day One.

“So much time and energy has been spent over the years in maximizing the efficiency of the manufacturing and supply chain functions while the key marketing and sales engines have too often been left disconnected and in a state that requires too much manual effort,” said Adam Mertz, VP of Marketing and Strategy at Act-On. “We’re now seeing a major shift in the desire to take marketing to the next level and are thrilled to be seen as the ‘easy button’ for marketing automation in this industry.”

In the midst of the next big industry disrupter

A recent WebStrategies survey found that only 17 percent of manufacturers currently use marketing automation–revealing that now is the optimal window of opportunity to implement a digital marketing engine. In an industry with razor-thin margins, this emerging software represents a major sea change in how manufacturers and distributors approach sales and marketing, providing an enhanced opportunity to gain more business. It empowers companies in this industry to distinguish themselves from those competitors still figuring out how to adapt to their customers, who increasingly are conducting research online before ever speaking with a representative.

To achieve this, manufacturers and distributors are turning to Act-On and receiving the fastest time-to-value among all marketing automation platforms. To illustrate, Joyride Coffee, a beverage manufacturer and distributor, saw a 200-percent increase in leads within one month of implementing Act-On. Similarly, Bisco Industries created a three-year amortized analysis on their marketing automation investment and noted a 1,283-percent ROI in the first year alone.

Act-On meets unique needs for manufacturing customers and grows with them

Act-On is the only vendor in its space that natively integrates with Tour de Force, the customer relationship management (CRM) platform of choice for many manufacturing distributors. This partnership and extensive integration is a defining differentiator for manufacturing customers, as sales and marketing alignment is key for business growth.

“Act-On combined with Tour de Force saves us four-to-five hours per week,” said Allegis Digital Marketing Manager Amanda Woolf. “In the past, I would have to manually export and ensure my lists were clean, and using Act-On makes that process so much easier. It’s a huge benefit to have the two talking.” Companies like Allegis use Act-On’s integration with Tour de Force to provide their teams with the visibility they need to close more deals — in which, the combined softwares enable Allegis to operate as a cohesive group to save time and drive sales.

The Act-On solution, especially paired with the customized strategy guidance, is designed to scale with its manufacturing customers as they create multi-channel nurture campaigns and boost sales and marketing productivity. The ease of use, built-in features, and Act-On support empower teams like ProLabs to be more effective and creative with their marketing as they expand their initiatives and leverage their databases.

To learn more about Act-On’s industry-specific product and service offerings, visit Act-On for Manufacturing and Distribution.

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