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Email Marketing Myths Debunk’d, Level 2: Battle of the Brands 

Separate the truth from the myths in our second annual Marketing Automation Myths Debunk’d!

Are email marketing myths holding you back?

Struggling to separate what works from what doesn’t? Trying to engage your audience while wading through a river of misinformation?

Act-On is here to help! Join us for our second annual Email Marketing Myths Debunk’d!

We’ve run extensive A/B tests on our top email marketing campaigns, and teamed up with Litmus to bring even more expertise to the table. Now, we’ll have marketers from a range of brands test their email marketing mettle by competing head to head to guess how these tests turned out. Which email marketing conventional wisdom will be    

This isn’t your typical webinar. We’ve partnered with Litmus to bring you a fun, interactive program in the style of a TV game show.

In the process, we’ll seek advice from our expert “contestants” in a series of brief panel discussions. 


What you’ll learn:

Live Webinar Registration

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Email Marketing Myths Debunk’d, Level 2: Battle of the Brands 

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