Microsoft Dynamics Integration + Act-On Marketing Automation

Adding marketing automation to your existing tech stack means your sales team has the data it needs to close more business.

Microsoft Dynamics Integration with Best-in-Class Marketing Automation Means Visibility Into Entire Customer Journey

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is extremely powerful on its own, but when you integrate it with Act-On’s marketing automation software, you create a truly dynamic marketing ecosystem. This connection provides total transparency into the customer profile, journey, and behaviors. And, with improved transparency and access to data, your sales team can close even more business.

Collect Actionable Data

The native Microsoft Dynamics integration with Act-On marketing automation creates two-way communication that results in comprehensive data on every lead and customer. This information empowers you to make more informed decisions about when and how to engage with your prospects and customers and how to shape the customer experience across the entire lifecycle. You can also attribute revenue to campaigns and channels (even social media) to measure ROI more accurately.

Use Data to Optimize the Customer Journey

Lead management and nurturing are multichannel efforts that should be managed by both Marketing and Sales. Therefore, it’s important that these departments work together to make the most of every lead. By integrating Microsoft Dynamics and Act-On, you can identify the right prospects and guide them along an immersive customer journey. Use demographics, firmographics, and behavior to determine intent, readiness, and the opportune moment for an authentic sales discussion with your best leads.

Optimize Sales and Marketing Campaigns

Our Microsoft Dynamics integration creates a central command center for creating, managing, and tracking campaigns across multiple channels throughout the customer lifecycle. This connection takes your sales and marketing teams from lead capture to nurturing to revenue booked. It also yields actionable intelligence that enables the entire organization to make smarter investment decisions while validating the sales and marketing activities that raise your bottom line.

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