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Small Business Saturday – November 29 – Shop Small and Local

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Shop Small logoBlack Friday’s for big box stores. Cyber Monday’s devoted to online shopping. And for those of us who are small business owners (or who prefer to shop at small businesses), there’s Small Business Saturday.

Just how important is small business? Small and new businesses create two out of every three net new jobs in the United States. Over half (!) of all working Americans work for, or own, a small business.

So, when you shop small you’re building economic strength in the sector of the economy that has the will and muscle to get us moving. When you shop small and local, you’re also strengthening the fabric of your own community and helping to provide a livelihood for your neighbors.

American Express – no small business itself, but one that counts a lot of small businesses as customers – began this promotion in 2010, with the goal of getting more people to shop at small businesses. In 2011, Small Business Saturday was acknowledged by everyone from small-town mayors to Congress and one hundred million people shopped small on the day. In 2012, people spent an estimated $5.5 billion at small independent businesses. In 2013, neighborhoods got involved, with almost 1500 neighborhood champions promoting the event. And Small Business Saturday UK began in 2013 after the success of the version in the U.S. How can you get involved?

  • If you’re a business with stuff to sell, look to the Small Business Administration for resources on Small Business Saturday. And check out the American Express support site, where you can download promotional materials and participate in online advertising. Also, find a coupon for free ads on Bing here.
  • If you’re a person looking for stuff to buy, click the map below to visit a site that shows which small businesses in your part of the world are participating.

small businessn Saturday map


So, come Black Friday, just relax and catch up at the office or at home. Save the shopping for Small Business Saturday.

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